Janet Mills

Running For: 
Governor, Maine
More Info: 
EqualityMaine is proud to endorse Gov. Janet Mills for re-election. Gov. Janet Mills is a strong, thoughtful and compassionate ally. During her time as governor, she has delivered for Maine’s LGBTQ+ community, leading the way on important reforms and fighting for the ability of our community to live our lives openly and as our true selves. Gov. Mills has earned re-election with her steady leadership during challenging times. “I am proud to earn the support of Equality Maine, the oldest and largest statewide organization dedicated to creating a fair and just society for LGBTQ+ Mainers,” said Gov. Janet Mills. “Throughout my career, I have worked tirelessly to ensure that Maine is a welcoming, inclusive, and safe place to live for all. As governor, I’m proud of the progress we have made by working together to secure full equality under the law for LGBTQ+ people. In my second term, that work must and will continue.” During Gov. Mills’ tenure, Maine has: - Signed into law a ban on the discredited practice of conversion therapy; - Banned health insurance providers from discriminating against transgender people; - Restored benefits to military veterans discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy; - Updated the law that required name changes be made public, creating a safer environment for transgender people - Helped to simplified the process of changing gender on a birth certificate; - Under her watch, Maine adopted the use of an “X” as a gender-neutral marker on state IDs; - Helped to defeat legislative efforts to ban transgender girls from school sports; - Protected access to services for transgender women at homeless shelters; - Signed a law that bans the use of the so-called “gay and trans panic” legal defense. - Supported legislation to require private health insurance policies in Maine to expand access to fertility related care; - Fought to protect abortion care and access to health care for LGBTQ+ Mainers; - Led the state through the COVID-19 crisis, protecting the health and well-being of Maine residents and businesses; - Expanded access to health care for more than 70,000 Mainers
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